JÄGER Business Blog

In the regularly published articles by our Jäger experts, you will find industry-relevant information, tips for process optimization and everything you need to know for successful project management in the rubber and plastics sector.

General-purpose rubbers: The group of general-purpose rubbers

General-purpose rubbers are the all-rounders among elastomers. They are inexpensive and suitable for many scenarios. We present the three most common ones.

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General-purpose rubbers: The group of general-purpose rubbers
General-purpose rubbers are the all-rounders among elastomers. They are inexpensive and suitable for many scenarios. We present the three most common ones.
How to secure your spare parts supply in the plastics and rubber sector
The supply of spare parts for rubber and plastic components is often a challenge. The basic prerequisite is forward-looking supplier management.
Surface finishing of rubber and plastic: What are the options?
Surface finishing offers many possibilities for changing the properties of rubber and plastics. However, it is not applicable everywhere.
Climate protection: Reducing CO2 emissions with intelligent product design
Intelligent product design in the rubber and plastics sector offers a wide range of opportunities to reduce a company’s CO2 emissions.
How companies prevent assembly damage to rubber seals
Assembly damage to rubber seals is annoying and often causes additional costs. Proactive design can prevent this.
Sustainable Rubber Production at Jäger Gummi und Kunststoff
Sustainable rubber production is an important topic at Jäger. In recent years, we have taken a whole range of measures.
Fire protection for plastic and rubber products
Fire protection is an important topic in the plastics and rubber sector. In particular, companies should be familiar with the two standards UL94 and DIN EN45545.
Detectability in the pharmaceutical and food industries using the example of silicone
Products made of silicone are being used more and more frequently in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Detectability plays an important role here.
Rubber and plastics in medical technology
Products made of rubber and plastic have become indispensable in medical technology. However, there are a number of things to keep in mind during development.
Coordination meeting and initial sample report (ISR): Avoiding misunderstandings
The initial coordination meeting and the initial sample report are essential to avoid misunderstandings between customer and supplier.
Easier installation of edge protection profiles by roll forming
Edge protection profiles is time-consuming and physically demanding. It is usually worthwhile to support this process with roll forming equipment.
Rubber & Metal in Construction – Differences and Similarities
Rubber and metal are important components of industrial products. Knowing their differences and similarities is essential for design.
How does the Supply Chain Act affect the rubber industry?
On Jan. 1, 2023, the German Supply Chain Act will come into force. It poses major challenges for rubber producers. But the industry is well prepared.
C-parts made of rubber or plastic also deserve attention
C-parts made of rubber or plastic are neglected by many industrial companies. Yet they harbor enormous optimization potential.
Is it worth creating a specification sheet for rubber and plastic articles?
Companies often shy away from the effort involved in drawing up specifications for rubber or plastic articles. But the preparatory work pays off in the long run.
How to improve your carbon footprint: making the rubber supply chain sustainable
If you want to improve your carbon footprint in the rubber sector, you also have to put your supply chain under the microscope – from plantation to production.
Acrylic stone: A favorable alternative to ceramics
Acrylic stone, a composite material made of PMMA and mineral dust, has comparable properties to ceramics, but is much easier to process.
Ukraine crisis currently exacerbating raw material shortages in Germany
Currently, the war in Ukraine is exacerbating the pandemic-related shortage of raw materials. How should companies respond to this development?
Why personal communication will remain essential in rubber & plastics projects in the future
Even in the digital age, personal communication still has a raison d’être. In rubber and plastics projects, it is even essential.
Five facts about rubber-to-metal elements you should consider
There are many factors to consider when designing rubber-to-metal elements. Those who ignore them risk damage to machinery and loss of production.
Supplier selection for rubber and plastic – What should you look out for?
Supplier selection in the rubber and plastics sector has some special features, because the materials require intensive consultation.
Vacuum infusion for large-area fiber composite components – an alternative to injection molding
Fiber composite components manufactured by vacuum infusion are a good alternative to injection molding that is particularly suitable for small series.
Rubber & Plastics – Cheap does not always make sense
Purchasing strategies are often price-oriented, also for rubber and plastics. It has to be cheap, nothing else matters. But does that really make sense?
Rubber and plastic products in supply chain management – what you need to know
Rubber and plastic components sometimes bring their own requirements in supply chain management. What should manufacturing companies consider here?
Rubber and plastics in the food sector – what is important?
Whether metal or plastic – particularly strict requirements apply to materials in the food sector. Find out more on the Jäger blog!
6 tips for more supply security: how to make your resource procurement crisis-proof
When the next commodity crisis comes, be ready. Here are six tips to achieve more supply security.
Raw material shortages due to Corona: How manufacturing companies should react.
The current shortage of raw materials has led to supply bottlenecks for rubber and plastic components worldwide. How can companies respond to this?
Five things to keep in mind when it comes to hose assemblies
Hose assemblies are more complex than they appear. For industry, they harbor both risks and potential. That’s why it’s worth taking a closer look.
Supplier integration in the rubber and plastics sector – working together Is key
Especially in times of crisis, closer cooperation with suppliers is necessary. The best way to achieve this is supplier integration.
Rubber spring elements in the agricultural industry: a cautionary example from practice
Underestimating rubber and plastic components can have consequences. This is illustrated by the example of rubber spring elements in the agricultural sector.
Supplier consolidation in the rubber and plastics sector: advantages and disadvantages
Supplier consolidation in the rubber and plastics sector usually brings significant efficiency gains. However, the risks should also be taken into account.
Optimizing rubber and plastic parts: How much potential is there?
Optimizing components made of plastic or rubber is hardly on the agenda of any company. Yet there is enormous potential for improvement here.
Why seals should never be underestimated in development
Seals often cause delays and additional costs in the development of machines and devices. How can such problems be avoided?
Why development partners should be involved in rubber and plastics projects as early as possible
Expertise from the metal sector cannot be transferred 1:1 to rubber and plastics. Better get experts on board early on!
Sealing technology: Seven tips for analyzing the framework conditions
In sealing technology, it is essential to know the practical framework conditions- from application temperature to legal requirements.
Are framework contracts for rubber and plastics worthwhile?
Especially in times of crisis, framework contracts for rubber and plastic molded parts have clear advantages over individual orders.
Material selection for stars for screening: NBR or TPU, which is more suitable?
Stars for screening are almost always made of either TPE, TPU or NBR. What are the differences between these materials? And which is more suitable for your project?
Rubber & Plastics: Global sourcing is not always the best procurement strategy
Global sourcing is also considered the gold standard of procurement for rubber and plastics. However, this does not make sense in all scenarios.
What are the advantages of Installation-ready assemblies in the rubber and plastics sector?
Buying installation-ready assemblies from production partners has advantages and disadvantages. What is the best way for companies to proceed?
Is rubber & plastics sourcing from Asia compatible with flexible Supply-Chain-Management?
Rubber & plastic sourcing from Asia is cheap, but vulnerable in times of crisis. Are European suppliers the better alternative?
Why it pays to regularly upgrade rubber and plastic components
Product development in the rubber and plastics sector is not “fire and forget”. It pays to modernize components on a regular basis.
How to select the appropriate gasket material for the construction
The choice of sealing material has a great influence on the service life of a machine or plant. Do not only pay attention to the price!
Lead time to series production – When toolmaking leads to delays
Mold making for molded parts is an essential part of rubber production. However, some companies underestimate how much time it takes.
Material selection in rubber production – Which components are decisive?
Rubber production is an energy-intensive process. Therefore, you should already proceed intelligently and methodically with the material selection.

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Petra Dirlenbach



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